This happens when I open the email in the mobile. Other newsletters I get them adjusted to the mobile screen, some other, like this one , doesn't adjust to the small screen.
I know it is something technical that the business should make, like a webpage when they adapt it to the mobile view.
Hi! Thank you so much for what you do. I’m 60, on disability and totally screwed up my finances and am now having to live with my son. I have no retirement. Do you think tRump and his buddies are going to shut down disability, social security, Medicare, etc? Thank you.
Hi! Former ED staffer here. DOE is the official acronym for the Department of Energy. ED is the official acronym for the Department of Education. Just fyi and for all your readers to have accurate info! Thank you for providing all the info you do in digestible format!
Would it be possible for you to write the newsletters, the emails you send to us , in a mobile friendly version please? It is so hard to read on the those long lines , just moving the screen right to left, at the end I give up reading.
Hey, I don't have that problem. Usually at the top there is an option to open newsletters in the substack app. Maybe try that? You could also flip your phone to be horizontal so that the text is bigger and fills the screen left to right but you will scroll more up and down. If none of this works, most libraries offer tech assistance times, maybe try one of them. Hope one of these ideas works for you. I know how frustrating it is when technology doesn't work how we need it to.
But thank you for your ideas.
This happens when I open the email in the mobile. Other newsletters I get them adjusted to the mobile screen, some other, like this one , doesn't adjust to the small screen.
I know it is something technical that the business should make, like a webpage when they adapt it to the mobile view.
Why must you always give negative shade to Trump or Elon? Can’t you just be brief and give the facts without providing personal opinions?
Why should I, a half white and half asian individual, pay for a subscription to you?
Hi! Thank you so much for what you do. I’m 60, on disability and totally screwed up my finances and am now having to live with my son. I have no retirement. Do you think tRump and his buddies are going to shut down disability, social security, Medicare, etc? Thank you.
Hi Bestie, Thank you for all the information you share! It has made so many great improvements in my life as well as my family's and friend's life.
Hi! Former ED staffer here. DOE is the official acronym for the Department of Energy. ED is the official acronym for the Department of Education. Just fyi and for all your readers to have accurate info! Thank you for providing all the info you do in digestible format!
Would it be possible for you to write the newsletters, the emails you send to us , in a mobile friendly version please? It is so hard to read on the those long lines , just moving the screen right to left, at the end I give up reading.
Hey, I don't have that problem. Usually at the top there is an option to open newsletters in the substack app. Maybe try that? You could also flip your phone to be horizontal so that the text is bigger and fills the screen left to right but you will scroll more up and down. If none of this works, most libraries offer tech assistance times, maybe try one of them. Hope one of these ideas works for you. I know how frustrating it is when technology doesn't work how we need it to.