Hello Vivian,

Thank you for all the wisdom you have imparted on this 45YO working mom! I wish I had your guidance for the last 35 years! I have shared your knowledge with my 18YO and I can only hope she will be better off as a result.

My question is about debt. When you get into a position where you can't afford to pay all of your minimums, what is the best plan of attack to tackle the problem? I assume things like mortgages, utilities, food come first. But what do you do about the credit cards? Do you do the best you can with each of them and make less than the minimums on all of them, or do you rotate the payments less than the minimums?

Thanks for all your support and guidance.

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Hi Vivian, Congratulations on your wedding !! Hope you are enjoying post-wedding vacation (aka Honeymoon). I have a question about college expense. My 18yr old will be going to college this fall and he did not qualify for any scholarships. Thankfully, he will be staying in our town attending a great university, so we will be paying in-state tuition. We have 529 set-up for him, but it won't cover the cost for all 4 yrs. What are other ways to pay for college with minimal or no (student) loans.

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Hi Vivian, saw you in Chicago and as someone who also grew up in an immigrant family, it’s so refreshing to see someone who looks like me make it work in this field and acknowledge the real barriers there are to financial literacy being accessible for people who weren’t born into it.

I remember we touched on loss in one of the discussions and wanted to ask: what advice/resources would you recommend for young people who experience an unexpected windfall after losing someone, e.g. through insurance payouts, inheriting investments as a beneficiary, etc. What to prioritize, how to use the money most wisely?

Especially given how emotional/traumatic the circumstances may be, can be hard to know where to start (while also trying to keep people who try to take advantage of one’s youth/inexperience at bay). Thanks again for all the empowering work you do ❤️

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Hello! I read in one of the RichAF preorder docs that we should buy index funds that are made by the same brokerage firm. For example, Fidelity users should buy Fidelity’s funds. My account is with Fidelity, but most of the index funds I own are Vanguard funds. What do I do? 😅

Should I sell what I have and buy Fidelity funds? Wouldn’t I have to pay taxes on that??

Would it be easier to open a Vanguard account and transfer all my stuff over?

Help 😅😬

Thank you! Love the Instagram, Podcast, and book! I work at a university and I am constantly referring my students to your content for financial advice. ❤️

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In DESPERATE need of help to get rid of timeshare weeks. I rarely travel anymore and the annual maintenance fees are killing me. Is there any legitimate company out there that can help? In the past I’ve paid up-front fees to 2 different companies only to have nothing transpire.

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Hello Viv! Thanks for always sharing your knowledge and uplifting us all.

I've come into some funds that will help pay off my college credit card debt. My question is should I pay off my debt all at once or slowly over the next few months! Which is best to help my credit score?

Thanks for reading!!!

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Hi Vivian--I have around $14k in credit card debt, it's become difficult to pay it down due to the interest that it accrues every month. I don't have much extra money to put toward it every month at this time. I do however have money in investments--an inherited IRA from my mother who passed, and a couple of investment accounts with Betterment. Would it be wise to take money out of those accounts in order to pay down the credit card debt?

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Hi Vivian, 55 years old woman, full time job, 401 K with boss, looking to go to an IRA, pros and cons? I have Checking, saving accounts, as well as some cash aside. Would like to try some investments but do not know what direction to go. Any input on what should I look for? Thanks, always enjoy reading your notes since I subscribe 6 months ago!

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I'm a stay at home parent. How can I fit into having a savings/retirement/Roth Ira when I have no income?

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Hi Viv!

I will be working abroad next year in South America! Any tips on how I can maximize savings and investments while overseas? Should I look into an international Financial advisor? While I won't me making as much money as I did in the states my cost of living will be so much cheaper. wondering if I should use this time while my expenses are much lower to take advantage of HYSA returns and singing some savings for investing since I won't need that big of an Emergancy fund?

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Hi Vivian!!! love your account. As an immigrant first Gen myself, I lack the financial literacy I need to make my money grow for me. I work a 9-5 job and have a 401K in which my company matches me 4%. I want to know what to do with this 401K in terms of investing it. I don't want it to just sit there and slowly accumulate. How and where and what do I invest my 401K to make it grow faster?? thanks in advance!!!

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Hey Viv! Do you still recommend the same investment sequence (HSA -> 401k -> Roth IRA -> Brokerage) to someone that wants to retire early (between 45-50 y/o) and works in corporate?

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Hi Vivian! What advice can you give to a young medical professional on maximizing current and passive income/where to start with things like HYSA or investments when not having a lot of time? (Given fellowships are a fixed low salary and we currently have to pay student loans while doing so :/)

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Hi Viv! I wanted to know where in your financial journey should you be to house hack responsibly. I know that when it comes to buying a house the monthly mortgage should be around 25-30% of your monthly income and the home price shouldn't be more than 3-4xs your annual income. Would this change with house hacking since a tenant would be paying for their portion of the rent? Can you be more flexible or lenient when house hacking? Thoughts of house hacking in general?

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Hey! Can you talk about 457b plans and pros and cons

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I would love to learn more about this too. My employer just informed me about it and it sounds just like a Roth IRA. Wonder which is better?

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Hi Vivian! I've appreciated your recent content on how to financially survive a career transition. As a federal employee, I'm wondering what the differences are between a 401(k) and a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)? Is the process different to transfer a TSP compared to a 401(k)? Are there different things I should be considering for a TSP?

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